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E c o l o g i c a l  b a s i c m a p s     style="border:

ECOGICAL BASISMAPS. Frits de Vries en Peter van Gerwen: 
Overzicht van basiskaarten uit het ecologisch stadsvernieuwingsproces.
De ingredienten uit het gebied worden tegen elkaar afgewogen.

Overview of basis maps from the ecological city renewal project in Amsterdam (urban ecology).
The ingredients of the area are distilled and conclusions are made.
Urban Planning and Potential Surface Analyses: Ecology / Stedenbouw

Basiskaarten Amsterdam Westerdoksdijk
historical exporation/ geschiedkundige verkenning

historische kwalitiet/ historical quality

bouwtechnische kwaliteit/ buiding quality

voorzieningen/ facilities

open ruimten/ open spaces

inspraak proces/ polics in the city

begane grond functies/ ground level functions

demografie/ demography

boomsoorten/ trees in the city

zeefkaart basiskaaarten/ potential surface analyses

ontsluitingsprincipes/ traffic solutions

stedenbouwkundige ontwikkeling verkeer/ urban traffic development ecological city

stedenbouwkundige ontwikkeling fase/ urban phase development ecological city

stedenbouwkundige ontwikkeling/ urban development ecological city

stedenbouwkundige ontwikkeling eiland westerdoksdijk amsterdam/ urban development ecological part

groene spierkrachtroute/ green ecological routes


Architecten-bureau voor energie ontwerp, architectuur en stedenbouw. Amersfoort
Architects Office in Amersfoort, Holland, Sustainable Building, Energy Conservation, Ecologic Architecture

zeefkaarten, potential surface analyses, basiskaarten, groene spierkrachtroute, historische continuiteit, milieuvariabelen, schaalniveau, decentrale energie, wateropslag, woonboten, waterwonen, winkels, steigers, architects office holland, sustainable building, energy conservation, ecologicarchitecture, sustainable architecture in holland, sustainable architecture in the netherlands, urban design, urban planning, contemporary architects , interior design companies, sustainable architecture, sustainable energy, industrial heritage, green building challenge, sustainable products, sustainable architecture, social architecture design, sustainable energy,  architecture netherlands, architecture schools, architecture competitions, urban design, contemporary architects, interior, sustainable energy, industrial heritage, architecture
